Welcome to Noolagplus, your trusted partner in industrial machinery solutions

    Introducing our cutting-edge IoT-enabled manufacturing machines that are set to transform the way you produce and deliver products.With real-time data insights, remote monitoring, and predictive maintenance, our IoT solutions bring unmatched efficiency, and innovation to your factory floor

    About Us

    Build The Next Big Thing With Us

    Noolagplus is a subsidiary of Infinanze Technologies incorporated that specializes towards the use of Artificial Intelligence, data technologies, and IOT to build industrial machines, robots, tools and equipment to make it easy to do work. With a legacy of 5years in the industry, we specialize providing top-notch equipment tailored to meet the demands of modern businesses. We take our customers' businesses to a new level by helping them develop and manufacture innovative world-class products for the high-tech market. We take care of all the technical issues, such as hardware design, software development, mechanical and industrial design for new enclosures, prototyping, and production launch at the desired market worldwide. demands great reliability with best Embedded hardware design at lowest cost in the shortest timeline. Noolag plus, with defined Embedded hardware development process and tech expertise, help companies achieve product development objectives successfully

    about who we are

    Our mission

    We understand that each business is unique. That's why our expert team is dedicated to offering personalized advice and solution to match your specific requirement

    Our vision

    At noolag plus we strive to have a happy customer base relationship after a successful project. This is achieved within our workplace and across the globe

    Why choose us

    Why Choose Us

    Reduced development costs

    Running a procured team for development, we focus on continuous productivity. Acquiring knowledge of best practices to reduce the engineering efforts. Proven methodologies for engineering model provide resource extend to reduce effort and cost.

    Faster Time-to-Market

    Our hardware engineering team is familiar with industry veteran taste, inline strategy for business cases and deliver quality products need. In addition, timely communication, built-in methodologies, expert knowledge leverage our core skill to ensure lightning-speed developmen.

    Cost Effective Engineering

    Analysis, modeling, and simulation are the pillars of building reliable and trustworthy products focusing on smart solutions and being more cost effective. We keep ourselves updated with latest technology trends and process through advanced tools – profound to validate.

    Contact Us

    Good service and better
    customer relationship

    Beyond just sales, we prioritize after-sales support. Our trained technicians are on hand to assist with installations, maintenance, and troubleshooting, ensuring your operations run smoothly

    Still Confused on how to start? Send us a message

    Do you need more information before you get started? We’re here to help. Kindly send us a message

    Contact Noolag Plus